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Car refinishing
Special antisilicone cleaner for car surfaces

Surface Material:



Surface cleaning, Antisilicon

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General characteristics

AC-85 ANTISILICON is a special cleaner for car surfaces. Used to clean the surface before coating. It has antisilicon, anticrater and degreaser properties. Removes silicon, oils and grease in order to avoid craters.

Security Data For the Safety Data Sheet of the product contact the company. Technical specifications For the Technical Specifications of the product contact the company.

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Solvents are known to be used to dilute the products. For more information on the amount of solvent you will need to dilute, see the technical data sheet of the product.
To calculate how much paint you'll need by selecting another product, reselect one of the products.
The calculation is made approximately based on the yields of the products. Amounts may change because they depend on how hard or porous the surfaces you are painting are.
