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Gradjevina, Nameštaj
Razređivač za poliesterske podloge i za čišćenje alata


Unutrašnji prostor, Spoljašnji prostor


Razređivanje, Čišćenje alata

Color calculator Color calculator

General characteristics

ACETON RAZREĐIVAČ se koristi za rastvaranje poliesterskih podloga i za čišćenje alata.

Security Data For the Safety Data Sheet of the product contact the company. Technical specifications For the Technical Specifications of the product contact the company.

Technical information


0.7L, 4L, 15L, 200L

Mreža prodavnica

Nadjite najbližu radnju koja saradjuje sa nama.

Traženje farbare Traženje farbare
Solvents are known to be used to dilute the products. For more information on the amount of solvent you will need to dilute, see the technical data sheet of the product.
